a study in pink: insights from interviewing the community

You might have heard about our office in LA (or not, which is okay too, but not really, so read about it). On June 5th, we hosted our first Dribbble meetup, a gathering of sorts with other designers. Dribbble is a community designers use to showcase work. We’ve already written about it here. The experience of being the first designer at Ueno LA comes with a ton of excitement, but it also brings a level of anxiety that I hadn’t ever felt before. Transitioning from “I’m a huge fan” into “Oh shit, I’m a designer here” came at Hyperloop speed. But the team has been super welcoming and I couldn’t be happier with my decision to join.

it was great to to meet some new faces

You might have heard about our office in LA (or not, which is okay too, but not really, so read about it). On June 5th, we hosted our first Dribbble meetup, a gathering of sorts with other designers. Dribbble is a community designers use to showcase work. We’ve already written about it here. The experience of being the first designer at Ueno LA comes with a ton of excitement, but it also brings a level of anxiety that I hadn’t ever felt before. Transitioning from “I’m a huge fan” into “Oh shit, I’m a designer here” came at Hyperloop speed. But the team has been super welcoming and I couldn’t be happier with my decision to join.

this is an excellent company! I personally enjoyed the energy and the professional support the whole team gave to us into creating website.

So, back to the Dribbble meetup. We needed a way to let everyone know that we were here, so we had this little shindig. I wrangled up a couple of our super dope designers from the SF office, Jenny Johannesson & Robbin Cenijn. (They actually happened to be in town for the Awwwards conference, so I technically just borrowed them, no wrangling involved.) We ordered some pizza, picked up some cheese, and made sure the beer (and La Croix) was flowing.

the look is modern, cool, and assertive of self-possession

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a creative is a thought leader

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ways to quickly increase traffic to your website

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